Sunday, July 31, 2011

Generate SQL Queries

select *from AM_DataSource

select 'Insert into AM_CalculationMaster(Id,Name,IsFinancialField,AccountNumber,EquationString)values('+ CAST(Id As Varchar(100))+','+ QUOTENAME(Name,'''')+',1,0,'+ IsNULL(QUOTENAME(EquationString,''''),'')+ ')' from Am_DataSource



Thursday, July 28, 2011

Replace a string value with another in SQL Server

select *from sa_Name
update sa_Name set SurName = REPLACE(SurName,'Aravindakshan','A')
select *from sa_Name


     after executing this query the Name ‘Aravindakshan’ is replaced with ‘ A’ all the occurrence of this word in Surname column should be replaced with ‘A’.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Find All Sundays between two dates in SQL server Using CTE

  • A Common table Experession (CTE) can be treated as a temporary result set within the scope of a single SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE or DELTE Statement.
  • A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query.
  • CTE can be self-referencing and can be referenced multiple times in the same query.

declare @DateFrom DateTime ='2011-07-01',
            @DateTo DateTime = '2011-07-31'
      Select @DateFrom
      Union All
      Select DATEADD(d,1,dt)FROM CTE
      Where dt<@DateTo
select 'Sunday',dt from CTE
where DATENAME(dw,dt)In('Sunday')
