few days ago I’ve written a blog post in SQL server using CTE to find Sundays. Lets dig some more deep in to this SQL server feature.
What is CTE
The common table expression is a temporary named result set that can refer in a SELECT,INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.
simply a CTE is similar to a derived table but it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query.
Unlike a derived table, a CTE can be self referencing and can be referenced multiple times in the same query
we can use a CTE in View create statement also we can add CTE in to the new MERGE statement (In sql server 2008)
SQL Server support two types of CTEs
- recursive
- non recursive
A Common Table Expression contains three main parts:
- The CTE name (this is what follows the WITH keyword)
- The column list (optional)
- The query (appears within parentheses after the AS keyword)
With CTE_Name (Column_Name_1, Column_Name_2 … Column_Name_n )
--TSQL which uses the CTE
Some Examples
WITH Table1(Name,Designation,DateofJoin)
select CN.Name,D.Name,E.DateOfJoin from ContactName CN
Inner join AM_Employee E on E.ContactId = CN.ContactId
Inner join AM_Designation D on E.DesignationId = D.Id
select Name,Designation,DateofJoin from Table1
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